버전 비교

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  • 서식이 변경되었습니다.
  • 이문서는  Atlassian SDK를 사용하여 Jira 플러그인 개발에 필요한 가이드라인을 제공합니다.


1.1. Architecture overview

  Jira Server 용 플러그인을 구축하려면 Atlassian SDK를 통해 Atlassian 개발 플랫폼을 사용하게됩니다.

These are the major components in the Atlassian Plugin Development Platform:

  • Shared Access Layer (SAL). The API for accessing common services, regardless of the underlying Atlassian application interfaces. More...
  • Atlassian User Interface (AUI). A set of reusable, cross-browser tested JavaScript and CSS UI components. More...
  • Atlassian Template Renderer (ATR). API for rendering your textual content. More...
  • Atlassian Event. A library that allows plugins to send and consume internal messages. See the Javadoc.
  • Activity Streams. API for sending and consuming activity streams. More...
  • Gadgets. Framework for developing OpenSocial gadgets. More...
  • Universal Plugin Manager (UPM). The tool for installing, managing, upgrading, and diagnosing Atlassian plugins. More...
  • Atlassian REST Plugin Module. An Atlassian plugin module that you can use to create plugin points easily in Atlassian applications, by exposing services and data entities as REST APIs. More...
  • Trusted Apps. Protocol for authenticating Atlassian applications.
  • Application Links (AppLinks). API for interacting with AppLinks, an Atlassian plugin module that allows you to connect to external applications. More...
  • OAuth. Our OAuth implementation for accepting and sending authenticated requests.
  • Plugin Framework. The framework that executes the plugins and manages the available plugin modules. More...
  • Active Objects. For plugin data storage. An ORM layer that enables easier, faster and more scalable data access and storage than our old Bandana and PluginSettings APIs. More...
  • Speakeasy. A new, experimental extension mechanism for Atlassian's products. Useful for easy plugin prototyping. More...
  • JIRA Issue Collector. Library for collecting user feedback from any page.

1.2. 시작하기 전에

  • 환경 구성
    - JDK (Java SE Development Kit) 8 또는 AdoptOpenJDK 8 설치합니다.
Download : Oracle JDK 8 Downloads
- 2990 포트 제거 (지라서버가 사용하는 포트는 2990 포트 입니다.)


     Step 1. Atlassian SDK를 사용하여 플러그인 스켈레톤 구축

  1.  플러그인을 작성하려는 시스템의 디렉토리로 이동 합니다.
  2.  우리가 실행할 명령은 플러그인 디렉토리가 들어있는 폴더를 만듭니다.
  3. 명령 프롬프트 창에서 atlas-create-jira-plugin 명령을 사용하여 애드온 프로젝트 작성


Intellij IDEA에서 디버깅 호출 방법

  1. 터미널에서 아래 명령어 실행한다.
    --jvmargs "-Xmx2048m -Datlassian.mail.senddisabled=false"

  2. config 설정하기
    1. Run -Edit Configration 클릭한다
    2. Remote 선택한다
    3. port 5005 기본포트 
    4. command line 
      1. -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 
    5. Use module classpath  - 프로젝트 모듈 추가 
    6. apply 적용 완료
  3. 프로젝트를 종료하고 다시 start 한다 
  4. 디버깅 모드에서 추가하 프로젝트를 실행한다.


   2.2.Active Objects plugin module(ORM) 객체-관계 매핑

  •  자바 어플리케이션에서 관계형 데이터베이스를 사용하는 방식을 정의한 인터페이스이다.(JPA)

          com.myapp.MyEntity 키를 가진 플러그인에 속하는 클래스 이름이 MyEntity 인 엔티티의 예를 보자.


2.3.atlassian-plugin.xml 구조

  • 터미널에서 atlas-create-jira-plugin-module  

    코드 블럭
    <atlassian-plugin name="Hello World" key="example.plugin.helloworld<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <atlassian-plugin key="${atlassian.plugin.key}" name="${project.name}" plugins-version="2"> 
       <description>A basic Active Objects module test</description> <description>${project.description}</description>  
        <vendor name="Atlassian Software Systems${project.organization.name}" url="http://www.atlassian.com${project.organization.url}"/>  
       <version>1.0</version> 	<param name="plugin-icon">images/pluginIcon.png</param>
        <param name="plugin-logo">images/pluginLogo.png</param> 
      <!-- <param name="plugin-banner">images/pluginLogo.jpg</param>
      add our i18n resource -->  
      <resource <paramtype="i18n" name="vendor-icon">images/logo_osci_primary_eng.png</param>
            <param name="vendor-logo">images/logo_osci_primary_eng.png</param>
      i18n" location="sample"/>  
      <!-- add our web resources -->
      <web-resource key="sample-resources" name="sample Web Resources"> 
        <param name="post.install.url">/plugins/servlet/sec/license</param>
        <resource type="i18ndownload" name="i18nsample.css" location="/css/sample.css" />  
           <!-- add our web resources -->
        <web-resource key="sample-resources" name="sample Web Resources"<resource type="download" name="sample.js" location="/js/sample.js"/>  
            <resource type="download" name="sample.css" location="/css/sample.css"/>
            <resource type="download" name="sample.js" location="/js/sample.js"/>
            <resource type="download" name="images/" location="/images"/>
        <!-- var ctx = AJS.contextPath();  ctx/rest/custom/1.0/apiname -->
        <rest key="custom-group-rest" path="/custom" version="1.0">
            <description>Provides REST custom service.</description>
        <servlet name="licenseServlet"
                 class="kr.osci.luffy.servlets.LicenseServlet" key="license">
        <ao key="ao-module">
            <description>The module configuring the Active Objects service used by
                this plugin
        <servlet-filter name="Auth Filter" key="authFilter"<resource type="download" name="images/" location="/images"/>  
      class<web-section name="kr.osci.luffy.filter.SecAuthFiltermySection" location key="before-dispatch"
                mySection" location="admin_plugins_menu" weight="1000">
        <description>The mySection  weight="200">Plugin</description>
        <label>plugin Section</label>
       <description>Check group</description></web-section>  
      <web-item name="myItem"  <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>key="my-item" section="admin_plugins_menu/mySection" weight="1000">
        <description>The myItem Plugin</description>
     <init-param>   <label>plugin sample</label>
      <rest name="my Rest Resource"  key="my-rest-resource" path="/custom"  <param-value>Australia</param-value>version="1.0">
        <description>The my Rest Resource Plugin</description>
      <servlet name="my Servlet" <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher>
      key="my-servlet" class="com.plugin.jira.servlet.myServlet">
        <description>The my Servlet <dispatcher>FORWARD<Plugin</dispatcher>description>

참조:Customize Atlassian products with apps
